Create an option to enable/disable subtitles

How create an option( check box) in blueprint for enable/disable all dialogue subtitles in game

I’ve submitted a pull request for this to be a blueprint callable function here. We’ll see if they approve it or not; it may end up being something that they don’t want exposed to blueprints. Either way, if you are a programmer or have a programmer on your team who can integrate the code I wrote up in the pull request, feel free to use it for your project.

Here is the code if you are unable to access the pull request:

In Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h, add this:

	  * Will set subtitles to be enabled or disabled.
 	 * @param bEnabled will enable subtitle drawing if true, disable if false. 
 	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Subtitles")
 	static void SetSubtitlesEnabled(bool bEnabled);
 	* Returns whether or not subtitles are currently enabled.
 	* @return true if subtitles are enabled.
 	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Subtitles")
 	static bool AreSubtitlesEnabled();

and in Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/KismetSystemLibrary.cpp, add this:

void UKismetSystemLibrary::SetSubtitlesEnabled(bool bEnabled)
 	if (GEngine)
 		GEngine->bSubtitlesEnabled = bEnabled;
 bool UKismetSystemLibrary::AreSubtitlesEnabled()
 	if (GEngine)
 		return GEngine->bSubtitlesEnabled;
 	return 0;

In your link i don’t found anything

Oh, okay. I’m assuming that means you don’t have access to Epic’s Unreal Engine GitHub repository. If you want access, go here and follow the instructions. If you do not wish to do that, check out my edited answer above – I’ve added more information into my answer to include the code I submitted into the pull request.


My pull request has been accepted and this should have been a part of 4.13 (and maybe even 4.12). So the methods I provided should be a part of the engine if you are using those versions of the engine.
