Create a p2p or dedicated server

Ok try set default pawn in project settings. The “DefaultPawn” set here is that spectator like flying camera

Ok I just forgot to check Global Default Server Game Mode, so with the default GameMode my client was replicaterd, but my custom gameMode always crash

check the log then in saved/log in project directory, always do that on crash because anwser is usally there

I get this:

 [2015.11.24-18.41.10:124][374]LogLinker: Can't find file for asset '/Game/DungeonRush/Level/UEDPIE_1_Lobby' while loading NULL.
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:151][374]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Lobby
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:155][374]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/DungeonRush/Level/UEDPIE_2_Lobby.Lobby up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.24-19.41.10
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:155][374]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.003192
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:167][375]LogNet: Client netspeed is 10000
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:168][375]LogNet: Join request: /Game/DungeonRush/Level/Main?Name=DESKTOP-T6BH7HM-E0186B2048B15AE48ED007A65AB9D8C5?SplitscreenCount=1
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:168][375]LogOnline:Warning: NULL: No game present to join for session (Game)
    [2015.11.24-18.41.10:169][375]LogNet: Join succeeded: DESKTOP-T6BH7HM-E018

But I don’t know why my game is null

Thats how your log ends? there is no crash log?

it’s my complete log:

I find some log with Network key-word, I think that is here:

do you have an idea why I have this?

No, cut log means it null or wrong cast crash