Create a Multivolume

Hi there.
I want to create a “Multivolume” Actor.
It basically has a PhysicsVolume and AudioVolume combined.
(PhysicsVolumeChanged should react to it).

I’m unsure on how to get started with this.

The purpose of this is to have a fully-functional Water Volume with Mesh, Post Process, Physics and Audio, instead of separate Volumes for each.

At the Moment I have a Blueprint Solution which contains a Reference to a Physics and Audio Volume (and the Water Actor snaps automatically to the Physics Volume)

A Child Actor doesn’t work in BP, because the Template has no access to the BrushBuilder of the Volume (Stays at “None” and can’t be edited)

TL;DR: How can I construct my own ActorClass that has functionality of a PhysicsVolume and AudioVolume, and is fully working without any changes?
Multiple Inheritance is not allowed in UE.

You could just create a class from scratch that contains a Mesh, PostProcess, PhysicsComponent, AudioComponent, etc as objects and just create / manage those objects internally. You’d still be controlling one object, but it would be managing multiple objects under the hood for you without the multiple inheritance nastiness.