Create a gameplay on same area but different event for different player

Hello, I want to create one quiz map, have 1 board that show the question and answer options, but I want to 4 players playing together trying to answer the quiz on the same place and view the same board, but for each player they have their own question and answer, is it possible?

I’d say you can either use Instagated Cinematic Sequences, Switch Devices (which can be instigated), or verse UI

Thank for your reply, but still we need 4 boards there right? 4 boards at the same position, and hide and show the board prop for specific player, because if only put 1 prop there, when I trigger to start randomize the question to show on the board by verse device using change material function, it still will happen globally and other player will see the material change

you might be able to use Barriers with custom materials for the boards.
Set each player to a different Class and use each Barriers class visibility settings