Hi community,
I’m looking for advices from experienced unreal engine developer / user.
My current goal is simple:
- a pawn approach a folliage tree (can be a static mesh, same)
- on pawn use a specified keyboard key, it will simulate a “controlled chaos destruction” at point
- repeat (2) 10 times
- at this stage, the root will be deleted, the trunk will stay, and the tree will start to fall
My current solution in mind is to have a controlled destruction system:
- for each tree, let’s create a controlled group of 10 meshes that are known in advance, reprensenting each “side” of the tree
- on player interract with one mesh, destroy it chaos with particules (only this mesh)
- once no more mesh are present, start gravity on the rest of the tree
But, this solution will have several isssues, including scalability since this will be a folliage on the entier level (probably). I though about dynamically replace foliage with the 10-meshes tree, but this seems un-reasonable.
What do you guys think, how would you achieve this goal?
Is there any built-in Chaos system destruction i missed out there that could help me doing this "the right way’?
Thanks in advance.