Crashing my laptop


I’ve downloaded your software for the free test and though I’ve gotten a few successes with very small models almost 90% of the time hitting the Calculate Model button crashes my computer. I’m using a nearly new lenovo y50-70 with i7 quad core and 16mg of ram. Am I doing something wrong or is my computer just not up to the task? I am making the Reconstruction Region as small as possible and only using 10 or so photos.

Grateful for any feedback,

ps. Sorry I posted this erroneously under the Welcome topic before I found the General section.

Hi Joe

You are not the first with this issue. The main problem is we use heavy every resource on PC so if it crashes its because you CPU or GPU is overheating. Its because not every notebook is prepared for heavy work, so they not plan properly the cooling for the notebook and if heavy used it crash because of this.

What precise CPU and GPU you have there ?
Have some hw monitoring sw like MSI Afterburner …

Hi WG,

Thanks for the reply.

CPU is i7 4710HQ

GPU is GeForce 960m

Advertised as a gaming laptop. Have maxed out the ram at 16mb.

Hi Joe

Have looked for you particular notebook model and can say its for sure the overheating issue that crash the notebook.

its OK when you play games but not ok for bit stressful work. As im read some people returned the notebook and they replaced the fans. The main problem is design as the CPU + GPU are cooled with fan over single heatpipe… … =620%2C420

Highly recommend to read this review and the part about TEMPERATURE … 896.0.html

  • try googling with this “lenovo y50-70 960m overheating”

And you will see the overheating is a common issue for this notebook.

What you can do ?
take a look and set you fan speed like in this video so the GPU is better cooled

Try put the notebook on cool desk + be sure the power adapter is on ground so it can dispatch heat too.
There exist special fans fro cooling notebook. it will help but dont expect miracles on bad designed device…

Great. Thanks for all the information WG.

One more question. In other programs they say cameras should be calibrated and also use certain settings such as no Image Stabilizer. Is this also true for CR?

Okay, two more. I tried cropping photos but was a really bad result. Any other advice beyond what’s on the site on taking pictures? Nikon D3200 is my camera. Tripod?

Hi Joe

  1. the calibration is done when doing alignment. It used when have some specific cameras, mostly with ultra wide lenses, so not need to calibrate with “standard camera + lens”

  2. why are you cropping them ? with cropping you remove pixels and can lost precise geometric info doing this.

Tripod is good, but its about experience and the subject captured mostly not need if can get 90+% sharp images. tripod is good when have low light environment and cannot get sharp imgs.


Nice to know that calibrating the camera is not needed and assume then I can use Image Stabilizer. Makes things easier.

I tried cropping images because I was trying to only get one small piece of ornament about 4m up on a building and cropping removed about 90% of the image. I thought this might make CR not have to work so hard and overheat and crash. It did do that but it gave a terrible image.



Just reporting back that your advice on keeping the laptop cooler has done the trick (at least so far). Propping up the laptop so that air can freely get underneath is allowing me to process now. And if the problem recurs then I have the tools to monitor, set fan speed and possibly overclock.

I haven’t seen any comments about using telephoto lenses. I’m thinking that a telephoto and a tripod might allow me to get some of the more distant images that so far are not coming in clearly. Any advice on this?


Hi Joe

Glad it helped. and know for future on what need consider for next notebook…
Try look for the notebook cooling station, a multiple fans that drive cool air from bottom to the notebook

For the telephoto lenses. you cause almost any lens, problematic ones are the very wide lenses ( 10-5mm ) as the distortion can be pretty problematic but its still solvable with RC…

Hi WG,

One more update. When I tried larger photo sets on the laptop it crashed even when placed outdoors on a very cool balcony. As you said, not a good design for CR.

I tried to download another version of CR to try on another computer at work but was told I already have a copy running and am not allowed another. Is it possible to terminate the program on one machine and transfer it to another for the remainder of the trial period? Sent a message to the website but no reply yet after 12 hrs.

Again, Thanks!


Hi Joe
forum is the fastest way to get answer :smiley:
email work but sometimes we are overloaded with emails reply

Notebook yup the thermal emissions are problematic and not only in your case…

log in the web to you account and you can switch the license to anothere PC but hope you have not used the setting to sue on the PC the license up to end of the trial period.

Easiest way create another account and get the RC running there…

If stuck somewhere let me know…

Great. Will try those suggestions.


Hi Nicole
Please remove your signature link or you will get BANNED from our site !!!
Fill it with precise hardware description on your notebook, because you have not pointed us to what sort of GPU you have there + no information on what sort of crashes you are experiencing, is it during reconstruction or another part ?