Crashing constantly UE

Hey wanted to ask i getting constant crashes when i play games that was made by UE4 and unity games i try everything and nothing helped only when i downloaded afterburner and lower my GPU -50% and it stopped so every time i launch my games i need to have my GPU lowered to play some games
I would really really appreciate if some one helped me i try to update my driver my PC evrything nothing helped My driver is NVDIA Latest update
My specs

Win 10 64bit
Processor: Intel I7-8700 CPU 3.20GHz
18 Ram
DirectX 12

I really don’t know where to go and ask for help no one knows or reply i really lost
The error code is:

Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 684] pResource->Map(Subresource, pReadRange, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pData)) failed at C:\BuildAgent\work\DRG-release\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RHIPrivate.h:1181 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED with Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG


i don’t know where to ask this cause i never been in this forum so i am very sorry if i send this help request on the wrong place

Hey @Tangosos, welcome to the forums!

So this error can be caused by many things, but it is not the program you are running causing the issue, it is within your windows build… SOMEWHERE.

You’re already updated with the latest Nvidia Drivers, right? So it isn’t that.

That error is caused specifically by DirectX having corrupt data. Make sure that’s updated 100%.

It also sounds like you might need to look into temperature control, if you have to lower your GPU clock by half. It could be overheating and causing errors.

Also you can go into your settings on windows> go to storage> temporary files> clear directX shader cache. That MAY help, since the error could be within stored shaders.

I hope any of this advice helps :slight_smile: You got this!

Thanks for the reply i will check it out and report if it helps

Forgot to mention i got NIVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8gb

Also can you please explain how i can update my DirectX the right way if its updating windows already did but if you know how can you please share with me about it cause searching in the google is not really helping

If you’re up to date on Windows Update and you’re running Windows 10 or higher, you’re good! It’s included in the Windows Updates, there’s no other way to update it according to the website.

Did you clear the shader cache?