Crashes when opening project (Compute Skincache ON )

I’m working with SkeletalMeshActor from a FBX file.
For my project I use Support Compute Skincache as I’m dealing with Alembic files.
But when I put ON Support Compute SkinCache the project crash upon Loading.
If Support Compute SkinCache is OFF the project is working FINE.
Thanks for any tips to resolve that crash.

are there any details below in the window?

i advice to reposting this message as a comment, because it is not an answer nor it will attract views.

as for 19/9/16, “Compute SkinCache” is an experimental feature. i am not
aware of it’s status now because i never used that.
experimental features tend to cause crash. if so - don’t use them.
that’s why they are experimental.

according to: Alembic File Importer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Alembic File Importer

This is an experimental feature that
is currently undergoing development.
Some aspects may not work as expected
or may change in future revisions.

Ok thanks for the link.
But I always do my best to make experimental things…
I tried with the 3rd person default character with “compute Skincache” ON
and it is working Without crashing.

So the problem is not the experimental stuff but the FBX file.
Any staff member wants to try out in order to help me further?

experimental stuff is not necessarily working bad. it depends from computer to computer. experimental - means it works sometimes + use at your own risk, because it is not 100% safe.

there is nothing more to say here and staff won’t help you because that’s the painful truth. we all want experimental features, same comes to will to be the world emperors.

Thank you Arty for your feedback.
And now I’m facing the sad reality of the word experimental.
I took the risk…

np. in your place i would wait for 4.17 before using it :stuck_out_tongue:
actually, i am at your place and that’s exactly what i do with some experimental features.

I have that File from Saved/Crasheslink text

Yes indeed.
With 4.15.3 this FBX file with “Compute SkinCache” works fine upon launching
BUT the alembic in 4.15.3 is having an issue of sync that was resolved for 4.16.