Crashes opening a 5.4 project


As for me setting DirectX 11 instead of default DirectX 12 fixed the issue for me in version: 5.4.2 using AMD Radeon RX6800 and Intel® Core™ i7 14700K.

To launch Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) with DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12, follow these steps:

  1. Open your UE5 project folder.
  2. Edit the file located at “path_to_your_UE5_project/config/DefaultEngine.ini”.
  3. Find the line that says “DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX12”.
  4. Change it to “DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX11”.
  5. Save the file and restart UE5.