Crashes a day?

I feel like my editor is crashing on a regular basis, some worse than others.

I am interested in knowing if this is just how it is, or if it’s me handling the software wrong.
On a 6 hour working period i can have from 3-8 crashes, give and take some, and perhaps on a weekly basis receive a crash that need error searching and reapiring for several hours.

I kinda hope that i’m the idiot here, and “just” need to improve my skills, because i like making games, but all the crashing end errer searching frustrates me.

Could you probably report your crashes on answerhub + make sure to post you log files so that we know why it crashed (project-saved-logs-the file which gets generated right after the crash) :slight_smile:

In my case I dont get regular crashes -> mostly it’s just because I have done something wrong

I have sent crash reports :slight_smile:
How can you tell if a crash is caused by an action by yourself, and what caused it? Or is it (as i suspect) a task taht requires heavy programming knowledge?

After a crash I always take a look at the log file -> there you can mostly see why it crashed :slight_smile: When a crash just happens one single time to me (even when I do the same thing again) I think it was caused by me or when I search for a solution on answerhub/forum/wiki and many people have the same type of crash -> could be a bug

Something is wrong if the editor hasn’t crashed 4-5 times during a session. And that’s only a few hours. Like for instance last nights crash was because when I built and ran 2 viewport windows and ran as client/listening server and I closed the listener without stopping the editor would crash. Just things like that, it usually itsn’t anything I’m doing.