Crashed on compile, now crashing on project load

Hello. The editor crashed during a compile, and now after opening the project, as soon as it finishes loading, it crashes.

This is the third time it has happened when starting a new project, and I keep having to remake the project. I don’t remember what triggered it the first time, but the last two times was after adding a PrimitiveComponent to my character class through C++. I compiled and then it crashes. How can I recover my project, and prevent this from happening in the future? I have uploaded a zip of the crash report folder the crash window linked to.

I’ve started a new project, and done a git commit between every step to make sure I could revert to the unbroken version, but this time the crash did not occur when I got to the same point that caused the previous crashes. The first projects were create in 4.16, but this new project was created with 4.16.1

The broken project still crashes every time I try to launch it, but the crash window just says, “You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.”

Ah I see. I gave two different SkeletalMeshComponents the same name, which I didn’t do in the new project. Fixing this now allows me to open the project, thanks!

This would still be considered a bug though, correct? The editor should be able to handle this situation without making my project unusable with no clear reason why.

Hello ,

I was unable to reproduce your issue on our end. I have a couple of questions to help me narrow down the issue you are experiencing.

  1. Could you provide a detailed list of steps of your process of getting this crash, so that I may reproduce this issue on our end?
  2. If you get the crash again could you post the text from the crash window?



Looking through the logs you have sent again, there is an issue occurring where you are adding another SkeletalMeshComponent with the name “FirstPersonMesh”. Resolving this could help resolve your issue.

Default subobject SkeletalMeshComponent FirstPersonMesh already exists for MMXModelComponent