adding a delay before hiding levels server side seems to have solved the problem but it’s weird workaround and I’m not able to stream levels independently client side
adding a delay before hiding levels server side seems to have solved the problem but it’s weird workaround and I’m not able to stream levels independently client side
After running the project for a couple of hours I did not hit a crash. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps/project so that we can reproduce this issue on our end?
Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints (if provided steps) that may be involved with this issue?
Could you provide your complete callstack including machine ID/ login ID?
Could you try and reproduce this issue in 4.17.2/4./18 preview 1?
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.
I have same issue here.
I play cinematics both client and server independently.
When “Level Visibility Track” has visible or hidden key, the warning will appear.
“Warning: UActorChannel::ProcessBunch: SerializeNewActor failed to find/spawn actor. Actor: WorldSettings /Game/Developers/massi/Collections/UEDPIE_2_SubLevel.SubLevel:PersistentLevel.WorldSettings, Channel: 10 LogNet: Server connection received: ActorChannelFailure”
And sometimes it will crash after a while.
At the same place Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Level.cpp