Crash when server start "path contains illegal characters ':'"

Fatal error: [File:G:/UnrealEngine-release/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/Misc/PackageName.cpp] [Line: 403]
FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert ‘H:/lls6/Content/Maps/Entry.umap’. Attempt result was ‘H:/lls6/Content/Maps/Entry’, but the path contains illegal characters ‘:’

On server has been enabled world composition. Without this setting, that works. What’s the problem can be?

I have exact same issue with World Composition on 4.24 when trying to launch game without editor (not dedicated server tho), built from VS 2019. Engine source debug symbols are not even loaded, and it fails on that error before anything else is loading. I have no absolute path reference to my persistent level, afaik. I have no idea how and where should I tackle this problem without custom built Engine.

Hello, you need to move the engine folder and project folder to same disk (G: or H:). It can solve this error.