Crash when importing fbx character

I’m trying to import my fbx mesh downloaded from mixamo but the program stop working everytime.
I’ve just started to lean how to use unreal engine and I don’t know what to do now…
Can anyone help?
Thank you

Hello, Could you please post your computer specs?

MB: Gygabyte AB350-gaming-3.
CPU: AMD ryzen 7-1800X.
RAM: 32 GB vengance-lpx DDR4 3000mhz.

Thank you, I hope to resolve this problem.

My model is made with SCULPTRIS and converted to FBX via MIXAMO, the number of triangles is 161684 for 3.544 KB.


So I’ve opened my mesh with blender and it turns out that it was out of scale, super duper small. Now it works, thank you!