Crash (this was nullptr, access violation)


I already got some Access Violation but I can’t figure out why I get one this one time.
On VS Debug I got a this was nullptr error, but I don’t use pointer in the method so I don’t get why I get it. And on error stacks side, I got an Access Violation.

The problem is here (AC_MovementManager.cpp):

void UAC_MovementManager::SetMovementMode(const EMovementEnum& NewValue)
	if (MovementMode == NewValue) return; // It crashes here

	PrevMovementMode = MovementMode;
	MovementMode = NewValue;

Here is the previous stack (LabyrinthCharacter.cpp):

void ALabyrinthCharacter::OnMovementModeChanged(EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, uint8 PreviousCustomMode)
	Super::OnMovementModeChanged(PrevMovementMode, PreviousCustomMode);

	if (CharacterMovement->MovementMode == MOVE_Walking || CharacterMovement->MovementMode == MOVE_NavWalking) MovementComponent->SetMovementMode(EMovementEnum::MM_Grounded);
	else if (CharacterMovement->MovementMode == MOVE_Falling) MovementComponent->SetMovementMode(EMovementEnum::MM_Falling);

MovementMode is declared as below (AC_MovementManager.h):

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "State Values")
		EMovementEnum MovementMode;

and initialized as EMovementEnum::MM_Grounded in UAC_MovementManager() (constructor).

EMovementEnum is declared (and included) in a separate header as following:

enum class EMovementEnum : uint8
	MM_None UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
	MM_Grounded UMETA(DisplayName = "Grounded"),
	MM_Falling UMETA(DisplayName = "Falling"),
	MM_Ragdoll UMETA(DisplayName = "Ragdoll")

Move back in call stack and see if “MovementComponent” is not invalid pointer, i case of invalid pointer function may still pass but they may operate on junk data and eventually crash in midway of it