[Crash] Save huge Spline at Landscape in Editor - Stack Overflow on Localization Gathering


Tested on UE4.15.2, UE4.15.3, UE4.16 - same problem.


  • We have landscape with spline (screenshot_1) - normally resaving
  • Add new spline segment (screenshot_2)
  • Trying to save… Calling FPropertyLocalizationDataGatherer from UPackage::Save (SavePackage.cpp) (screenshot_3)
  • Continue Saving… And we have an error “stackoverflow” (screenshot_4)
  • Trying scroll stack and show object name (top: screenshot_5 & bottom: - screenshot_6)

Seems like mechanism trying to gather localization data. Funcctions is recursive process spline segments and overflow default stack size on 2000+ segments.

Current solution can be:

  • Split spline on ~1000 segments
  • Compile Editor with large stack
  • Disable localization (comment line on gather localization from saving package)

Same Crash. I am getting it when trying to save a map with a large number of UObjects that have large arrays of UStruct properties with multiple Uproperty members