Hi, ever since I moved my project from 4.11 to 4.12, the crash report ui doesn’t show up on crashes anymore. The crash files are created, but the program just shuts down.
I’d like to have the UI turned back on as it was easier to get the information while testing. I do know that the crash reporter does run from on a crash there are just no visuals.
The “By Design” is more of a representation that the behavior is doing as expected. In this particular case, if the project is being run through the VS debugger then no crash report is expected because the debugger stops them by default. If you are running the project’s editor normally through the .uproject file you should still get the crash report window. To obtain crash report while running the debugger, you can add the -crashreports command line argument to tell the debugger to allow crash reports.
Although I’m on a Source build and using VS, I am launching the engine through the MyGame.uproject file. When I do that, ~debug crash does crash the engine but no Crash Reporter UI appears. I can launch the Crash Reporter independently and have recently rebuilt it just for good measure.
Appending -crashreports doesn’t seem to have an affect here. Is there another configuration I may be missing? I’m upgrading from 4.10.4 to 4.13.1, for context.
Also, please let me know if you’d rather I create a new AnswerHub post. I’m happy to do that if you think this is a separate issue.
Please try building CrashReportClient for shipping and let me know if that has any affect on the UI showing up. If you still have issues at that point it would probably be best to create a new post to investigate separately.