Crash reporter for released project

Hello, happy times are comming, and I’m about to publish the game I’ve worked on for 5 years. Is there any way for me to get notified whenever crash happens on the released game, and not on my own PC :D?

Since I am sole developer with not professional background in Unreal engine, and there was no professional test team, I would like to have proper crash report, so that I can fix the issues that will occur when the game is released.

I am aware of the Sentry, for example. But is there a way to do it without Sentry? Is there any alternative to Sentry? Or if there is something that can be done without any additional library?

This might be useful : Getting Unreal Crash Reports with BugSplat - benui

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Thanks for your answer. I ended up using Sentry anyways. We’ll see how it goes through.


I’m working at Sentry on the crash reporting side of games. Please reach out if you’re having any challenges. We’re working on improving this whole thing not only on desktop and mobile but big push on consoles too.