Crash report error

Does anyone know how to fix this crash? I cannot open the new version and I cannot delete it either as it says i need to clos some instances but I’ve everything closed…

Fatal error: [File:./Runtime/RenderCore/Private/ShaderCore.cpp] [Line: 1712] Couldn’t find source file of virtual shader path ‘/Engine/Private/Lumen/SurfaceCache/LumenSurfaceCacheFeedback.usf’

BuildShaderFileToUniformBufferMap(TMap<FString, TArray<char16_t const*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>>, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<FString, TArray<char16_t const*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>>, false>>&) Address = 0x101c48c64 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-RenderCore.dylib]
InitializeShaderTypes() Address = 0x101c4a234 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-RenderCore.dylib]
FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(char16_t const*) Address = 0x100258b04 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor]
GuardedMain(char16_t const*) Address = 0x10024efb4 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor]
-[UEAppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x10026aafc (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor]
-[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x10417548c (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-Core.dylib]
Unknown() Address = 0x18cceaf14 (filename not found) [in Foundation]
Unknown() Address = 0x18bb0a034 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
Unknown() Address = 0x18bb04e3c (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]