Crash only in 4.24 and 4.25. What has changed?


I’m working on a project in Unreal 4.22 and was trying to moves it to newer versions of Unreal Engine.

  • The 4.23 version works like a charm, not issues at all,
  • The 4.24 version works perfectly when in editor but always crashes when trying to be played in standalone mode (see first screenshot for the crash message),
  • The 4.25 is the same as 4.24, it works perfectly in editor mode, but crashes only in standalone mode(see second screenshot for the crash message)

I tried to understand this issue, but I’m currently hitting a wall. What could cause that ? How can I resolve this issue ? I read that it could be asset related but how can I find the exact one that causes the issue ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help, I really need to tackle this issue.

Best regards,

I also experience the same thing. 4.25.1 crashed with standalone even in new project with one blank level without anything else.

I found out that it was caused by seamless travel is actually scanning folders where map/level is supposedly placed. Hence it is best to input the complete directory instead of just level name.
And by default the directory where the engine scan is on Content/Game/Maps. So any level/map you put outside of this folder will not behave correctly.
You can fix this by going into Project Setting > Game > Asset Manager and then change the Map Asset directory to wherever you put your map/level.

I just found and fixed my issue. It was caused by a structure and I had to remove, remake and replug it everywhere it was referenced.

I think that I add a variable in it and save directly without recompiling blueprints referencing it (I’m working in 4.22). What was really strange is that I could package in development ans shipping builds without any issues in 4.24 and 4.25 while standalone mode keeps crashing.