My Project:
Opening my current project causes Crash.
I’ve had this issue for a long time. Its cost me days and day of work and rolling code back but I think I’m narrowing down what is causing it. To replicate you need to create a BP save game object that contains a variable which is a user structure. In that user structure have an array of type another
user structure. This is how I manage my save games with BP’s but I also have various user structs that exhibit similar issues but the save game object is the most unstable.
Now in your game controller you will have a variable that is that save game object type. From here I have various interfaces on the game controller some of which will return that object variable or mainly will return some part of the various sub structures.
This setup is highly unstable for me although instability is somewhat unpredictable.
Firstly altering any member of that structure (ie adding a new variable to it or setting a default) will cause it to break. Most of the blue prints will need to be fixed by removing the break structure element as they now references a different type that no longer exists.
Secondly and a lot worse is that unreal 4 sometimes will be unable to load your project anymore after a change. This seems fairly random and mostly follows unreal 4 crashing simply after making those changes but sometimes (as is currently) even on a good exit it will simply crash on launch.
To fix this I normally move my default level away, open unreal 4 and open BP’s until it crashes. This identifies the problem BP and I then get an older version from backup and re-do all my work.
However its currently crashing as above however before it started unreal shutdown fine at the end of the day and in the morning I have the load crash. Replacing various BP’s didn’t cure it, but I can get my project open by randomly opening my user structure BPs before anything else, its basically a 50/50 chance it will work. There is clearly a dependency issue at work here.
Crash report details as follow but I would really appreciate any help here as this issue has cost me days and days of development and hair loss.
Version: Unreal 4.3.0 (standard Launcher)
System: Windows 7 64 8GIG Nvidia GTX 760
Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)
Assertion failed: !Obj->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_NeedPostLoad|RF_ClassDefaultObject) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 1753]
Attempting to repl
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user32 + 105425 bytes
user32 + 104666 bytes
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UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() + 2990 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2066]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() + 476 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:133]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() + 26 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125]
UE4Editor!WinMain() + 249 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:207]
UE4Editor!__tmainCRTStartup() + 329 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618]