Build Type
Build version
Version: 4.18.2-3794801+++UE4+Release-4.18
An issue occurs when attempting to run the Intel Graphics Frame Analyzer with any Unreal Engine game on Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra. A divide by zero error is thrown when the graphics context is being initialized.
Stack trace reported by the Unreal Crash Reporter:
FPE_INTDIV at 0x2b68e2ed9 MetricsDiscoveryInternal::CDriverInterfaceMacOSX::SendDeviceInfoParamEscape(GTDI_DEVICE_PARAM_ENUM, GTDIDeviceInfoParamOutStruct*) Address = 0x2b68e2ed9 (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] MetricsDiscoveryInternal::CSymbolSet::DetectSymbolValue(char const*, MetricsDiscovery::STypedValue_1_0*) Address = 0x2b681e179 (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] MetricsDiscoveryInternal::CSymbolSet::AddSymbol(char const*, MetricsDiscovery::STypedValue_1_0, MetricsDiscoveryInternal::ESymbolType) Address = 0x2b681e3eb (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] AddGlobalSymbols(MetricsDiscoveryInternal::CSymbolSet*) Address = 0x2b69a0aba (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] CreateObjectTree(MetricsDiscovery::IMetricsDevice_1_2**) Address = 0x2b69a0d2b (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] OpenMetricsDevice Address = 0x2b69a2d04 (filename not found) [in libigdmd.dylib] gpa::metrics::MDAPIMetricsSource::InitializeMDApiDevice(char*, int) Address = 0x11030c7a6 (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] gpa::metrics::MDAPIMetricsSource::Initialize(MetricsDiscovery::EMetricApiType, bool, void*, void (*)(char const*), char*, int) Address = 0x11030ca76 (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] gpa::metrics::MdapiMetricsSampler::Initialize(void*) Address = 0x110307cee (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] gpa::metrics::CreateMetricsSampler(void*) Address = 0x1103078ea (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] gpa::gui::GUI::OnDeviceAvailable(gpa::hal::PhysicalDevice const*) Address = 0x10f8c2670 (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] gpa::capture::HookMTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() Address = 0x10f877817 (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] FMetalDeviceContext::CreateDeviceContext() Address = 0x10a99b98b (filename not found) [in FPSTest] FMetalDynamicRHI::FMetalDynamicRHI(ERHIFeatureLevel::Type) Address = 0x10a9ee707 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] FMetalDynamicRHIModule::CreateRHI(ERHIFeatureLevel::Type) Address = 0x10a9ee672 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] PlatformCreateDynamicRHI() Address = 0x109247119 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] RHIInit(bool) Address = 0x109248031 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] FEngineLoop::PreInit(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x1068990e0 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x1068aafcf (filename not found) [in FPSTest] -[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x1068b48e0 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] -[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x106a76ac6 (filename not found) [in FPSTest] Unknown() Address = 0x7fff3ecd7e48 (filename not found) [in Foundation] __gpa_thread_proc(void*) Address = 0x10f88f9ba (filename not found) [in libigpa-macos.dylib] _pthread_body Address = 0x7fff647476c1 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib] _pthread_body Address = 0x7fff6474756d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib] thread_start Address = 0x7fff64746c5d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
Steps to reproduce
- Create a new Blueprints First Person Shooter project.
- Using the File menu, export the project using the “Development” build mode. (“Development” was primarily used for this test, however all profiles appear to have the issue.)
- Open Intel Graphics Frame Analyzer, select the App file generated by the previous step, select Metal mode, and then launch.
- App will crash with above stack trace.
System Specifications
The system tested is a base-line Mac, with Intel HD 4000 graphics. The intention is to use the Frame Analyzer to assist in optimizing for these base-line Mac systems.
- Model: MacBook Pro
- Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
- Memory: 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
- Grpahics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB
Reason for using Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra
The Intel Graphics Frame Analyzer requires Mac OS X 10.13 to obtain various GPU Metrics, as stated on this page:
GPU Metrics: Documentation Library
"The following metrics are: ... Only supported for macOS* 10.13"
A crash report with all generated files and logs is attached to this post.
The exception is always consistent, and so any additional crash reports or crash details can be gathered as-needed.