Crash on launch bug 8.0

I have once again been almost ready to publish my first iOS game and am having yet another crash on launch issue.

I had just updated the launcher and opened my game in my new installation of UE (8.3), and added my last finishing touch and attempted to launch it to my iPad. It launched just fine, but when I open the application it crashes before getting past the splash screen. as well as opening my project in 8.3, I also tried opening it in 7.5, and 6.1, however when I would try to open the project in these versions, the engine crashed.

Whats going on this time?

Incident Identifier: A5B55402-802B-46BA-A7B9-963E59567BE2
CrashReporter Key:   17ba09a53efff2396dd37221faa83665d3ef54dc
Hardware Model:      iPad2,1
OS Version:          iPhone OS 8.2 (12D508)
Kernel Version:      Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Mon Feb  9 22:05:59 PST 2015; root:xnu-2783.5.38~5/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
Date:                2015-08-17 22:42:38 -0700
Time since snapshot: 411 ms

Free pages:                              1263
Active pages:                            3474
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Speculative pages:                       301
Throttled pages:                         101665
Purgeable pages:                         0
Wired pages:                             20244
File-backed pages:                       5429
Anonymous pages:                         159
Compressions:                            676770
Decompressions:                          210649
Compressor Size:                         43
Uncompressed Pages in Compressor:        0
Page Size:                               4096
Largest process:   UE4Game

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Hey ,

Is this occurring with any other project or template on your device? Are you able to provide any from the device? Is there an error that pops up when the game crashes, or does it just simply crash back to the home screen? Are there any warnings or errors in the packaging process? If there are any you can provide, please upload them separately as .txt files so I can review the issue further.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Hey ,

I have not heard from you since your initial post and for that reason, I must close this thread out as resolved. However, if you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reply back and we’ll assist you further.

Thank you and have a nice day!

I think these are the you where referring to, that I added in the description.

I am able to successfully launch and open other projects of mine from 7.5, but i can’t open this project in that version to try that.

When it crashes, the screen goes black then returns to the home screen.

Hope you can still help, and sorry for not responding earlier this week. I have been extremely busy and couldn’t find time to work on this.


We need that display errors if your game is crashing on launch. Please upload them as a .txt file to your next reply.

I’m not sure what type of computer you’re on, so I’m providing for both:


  • Open iPhonePackager (Engine/DotNET/IOS)
  • Select a uproject file (optional)
  • Select the Advanced Tools tab
  • Select Other Deployment Tools…
  • Select Backup documents…
  • Select the IPA for the game you wish to get the log for
  • The documents directory data will then be copied to - Engine/DotNET/IOS/IOS_Backups or GameDir/IOS_Backups if a uproject was selected
  • The log can then be found at IOS_Backups/Game/Saved/


  • Open Xcode (install Xcode if you have not already)
  • Open Window|Devices
  • Select the device you want to get the log off of.
  • Select the app you want to get the log from.
  • Select the gear icon under the app list
  • Select Download Container
  • Select a location for the container file
  • Navigate to the file via Finder
  • Right click and select Show Package Contents
  • Navigate to the location of the log (AppData/Documents/Game/Saved/)


I do have Xcode and did go to my device , and that was the only log I could find from that day, and it mached the time my game crashed. I did think it did not look quite like other crash , but as well as this the app name was marked as Unknown.

do you think its actually crashing, or could there be some other issue?


The that you provided are not that are helpful to us in seeing whether or not our game has caused a crash on your device, or the reason why. Please obtain the from where it’s listed in my previous reply so that we can look into this issue further for you.


I fixed it.


If you have the time to, could you please post how you fixed the issue you were having in case anyone else runs into it?


Well, the issue was not with the launch of packaging settings, or a bug or anything. It seemed to be my iPad. I tried opening it and it opened fine so I guess it just needs to be replaced soon.