Crash on edit VehicleMovementComponent in Details Tab

4.18.1 NewProject->Blueprint->AdvancedVehicle(Desktop/Console;MaximumQuality;WithStarterContent)

Editor crash happends whitout any debug info, or sometimes even without crash reporter, when:

a)playing in editor and attempting to change any property of VehicleMovementComponent of VehicleBlueprint car in DetailsPanel

b)or on game exit after a)

c)or on editor exit after a) b)

Hello Zedokus,

I have followed the steps exactly as outlined and cannot reproduce the crash you are experiencing. Does this crash happen every time you test it?

If possible, please provide a video of the crash occurring. Also, if you have not yet, try updating the editor to 4.18.1 and see if the crash is still occurring for you.


Hello Tyler,

It’s 4.18.1 version. Here is video where crash happends on game exit Untitled Project - YouTube

warning in the end: Warning: Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh VehicleMesh. Please use the Teleport flag

Hello Zedokus,

Thanks for the video, I was able to reproduce this in 4.18.1.

I went ahead and tested the same thing in our latest internal build and no crash occurred, so this appears to be fixed there. Please test this when the next version of Unreal Engine releases and let us know if you still have issues.
