To replicate crash add Unicode character alt-210 to comment box in the blueprint. Causes immediate crash
I have added the ALT 210 character to a comment in a blueprint and did not receive a crash.
I would like to ask a few questions to clarify your issue. First, when I press ALT and type 210 this is the character that appears “╥” is this the one that is causing issues for you? Next is there anything else in the project that you have done prior to the code character that you did not list.
Finally do you have any crash log information that you could attach as that would be a big help. Thank you.
Hello, I am marking this question as answered until more information is provided on the subject. If you are still having issues feel free to respond to this answer with a comment and I will reopen this. Thank you.
Hello, that was indeed the character. My apologies for the delayed response. As for crash logs, I don’t remember any appearing. I will now attempt to reproduce the issue. I assumed it may be a general issue of alt-codes not working… I apologize for the lack of information I provided. I owe it to you guys to make sure any claims I make are substantiated…
It seems I can no longer reproduce the issue. If it does happen again, I’ll reopen the report. Sorry for my incompetence :\