OS, Drivers: Ubuntu 14.04, Nvidia 340.76
Hardware: Xeon X3360 (quad core), 8 GB RAM, Geforce 8800 GT
UE4 4.7.0, pulled from github. Compiled as follows:
./Setup.sh ; ./GenerateProjectFiles.sh ; make ShaderCompileWorker UnrealLightmass UnrealPak UE4Editor
(all seem to succeed)
Crashes occur randomly, in either the project browser or the editor itself. Usually after selecting a dropdown, although not always. The initial crash happened while trying to create a new project, when selected “without starter content” (crash occurred as the icon updated). The next crash was in the editor, with starter content displayed. After that, crashes have taken place trying to save an initial (empty) map, first while creating a new folder and then a separate time just after clicking “Save” from the File menu). Crashinfo and terminal log for that crash (both zipped) are attached. A core file is also available (61 MB, zipped).
To address the most likely first comment: yes - I know my graphics card is old and below spec. The editor works fine, for simple content, under Win7 (the machine is dual boot), so it is not the hardware (RAM or video card). I’m not trying to make a wizbang super-fancy game at this point - I would just like to get the editor to run reliably so I can work through some tutorials.
Any help, pointers, tips, etc, would be very greatly appreciated. I am quite willing to re-compile or debug to help solve this. Thanks.