crash in MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate

I got exactly the same issue as in:

This only occurs for me during a seemless travel on a client. Next to that i was only able to reproduce it in a packaged development build of our project. By switching to shipping is solved the problem since this specific check causing the issue isn’t checked anymore. See the above issue for the exact location of the crash.

I thought it would be good to put it at least on your radar, i am sorry but no repro is available. I got the same information as the above issue, but now as a bug report instead.

Hey ,

Can you give me any information on how to recreate this issue? Or, is the problem as easy as any seamless travel when not in a development build?


I am sorry, but its already hard to reproduce for me on our build. The best advice is to look into the issue i posted, which contains some more information on what might be going on.