Crash: Exception Access Violation

So lately after getting my new computer and updating the engine and my project to 4.3 I’ve started to experience a lot of access violation crashes when doing different things, loading maps, editing foliage or materials and so on.

Here is a link to the crash report:

Anyone know what to do about this?

Hi ,

Does this happen on a clean project with no additional content? Also do you get the same crashes now when trying to open in 4.2.1 or earlier? Thank you!

Hi ,

Seems I get 100% crashes if I try to run the game in selected viewport with samer error (here’s from 4.2.1):

Other templates and such seems to work, this has just happened with the project I migrated from my old workstation.

Crash logs are posted in the pastebins (I suppose that is what you are after):

Here is the dxdiag:
DL link

Hi ,

Can you post your dxdiag and crash logs here as well? Thank you!

Hi ,

The logs I’m looking for are located in /Unreal Projects/PROJECTNAME/saved/logs/. The files you posted are the callstack.

Okay here they come then, 4.3 one:
4.3 log

And heres the 4.2.1:
4.2.1 log

Hi ,

If you have a firewall, have you made sure that the engine is considered an exception? It may be that your firewall is blocking the editor.

Its an exception.

Hi ,

Do you have swarmagent set as an exception as well? I noticed that all of the instances you mention directly or indirectly affect shader compiling. It may be that the swarm agent is trying to run but cannot.

I just tried turning the firewall off completely and no difference, still crashing. I mean it works flawlessly with other projects, just this one project that does not run…

Hi ,

If you are comfortable with it, I am more than willing to have a look at your project to see if I can reproduce this on my end if you upload it here.

Sure and thanks, here is the link. Tell me once you’ve downloaded it so I can remove the link. :slight_smile:

Hi ,

I am downloading it now and will be taking a look at this crash shortly.

Hi ,

I have great news and a little bit of bad news. The great news is there is nothing wrong with your project or your level. The bad news is your MyCharacter script is the cause of your crash. Remove those three and you should be free to continue working. I am going to send those files on to be assessed for what may be causing the specific crash.

There is a possibility that the character file just got corrupted during the transition. If you haven’t altered it you should be able to pull in a copy of the character blueprint from a blank project without problem.

Okay, thanks a lot for the help! It is a bit odd as I don’t think I’ve touched any scripts. Removing the ‘MyCharacter’ script would essentially remove the player right? Would there be any way to add a new later then as I will need one at some point(?).

Just posting to confirm this works just fine, question though. How can I possibly find issues like this myself in the future? I don’t want to pester you guys about it unless needed.

Hi ,

Well, to be honest I stumbled upon this by accident! I thought it was a corrupted project, but I went to your blueprints and doubleclicked on the MyCharacter blueprint and it crashed, then I tried to remove the gamemode from the world settings window and it crashed again. So, I went into the filepath and removed the blueprints folder, which caused it to open properly. Then I put the folder back and continued to add pieces of the blueprints back in until it crashed again. Finally, I moved the character file into another project, which caused a crash. If you want to debug these yourself (we encourage you to post here whenever you have a problem such as this!), the best place to start is just seeing what specific actions cause the crash, then going back from there. With blueprints especially removing them from the project, seeing if it crashes, then slowly adding blueprints back is a good way to find out which specific ones cause the problem.

Okay, I see. It would be great to have some kind of warning if possible instead of straight up crash for issues such as this if possible(?). Either way, good to know there is a way to handle this for me in the future. Very happy for all the help and if possible please tell me how to avoid issues like this when migrating to new hardware in the future if you guys figure out what actually caused it or so. :slight_smile: