Crash everytime that i close Unreal Engine

Hi all, everytimes i close unreal engine i get that crash message:

It’s not a problem, because that occurs only when closing unreal engine, but maybe could be a way to find out a problem with the Engine.

I’m using windows 10 if that could helps.

Full output would probably help but I assume you’re not running custom c++? Does this happen with a blank project?

What does you mean with “full output”? Yes,this happen with a blank project too. Happen with alla The project,blueprint or c++, templare project or not. This happen everytimes i close The Engjne

Hi ,

Thank you for the report. We have assigned one of our technicians to investigate your issue and they may post here with additional questions or comments.

Could you also provide any Crash , Dmp Files, and your Dxdiag (system specs)? You can find where to get this info [here.][1]

How do I report a bug? - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

[link text][1]

51781-dxdiag.txt (82 KB)

Sorry but i can’t find any CrashLogs or DmpFiles


What type of processor do you have on your computer? The DXDiag do not disclose the type of processor that you have. Also, have you looked over this [page to locate your project ][1]? We do need in order to see exactly what’s happening considering the crash reporter isn’t picking up anything.

Have you tried opening the engine by going to: Epic Games\4.8\Engine\Binaries\Win64 and opening up ‘UE4Editor.exe’?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

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Intel i5 3550.
Which do you need? Because that folder (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER) is empty. Can i may allegate the other in order to help?

And no, i usually run the editor through the EpicLauncher, but i will try launching it directly from the .exe

Hey ,

I would need your from the following file paths:

  • WindowsNoEditor/ProjectName/Saved/
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue (Note: C:\Users\UserName\AppData is invisible, just type the path on the address bar)

Please also go to your start menu and type in the search bar: DXDiag and it’ll bring up a program. Open that program and let it run. Once it’s finished running its task, please then save all of the information as a .txt file.

Upload these three to your next reply, thank you! :slight_smile:

[link text][1]

[link text][3]

Like i said before,

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue doens’t exist, and the other folder is empty.

Thanks for providing me with the information that you did, and I apologize for asking for the DXDiag again I misread my last message to you.

When you opened up the UE4Editor.exe did you still crash? Or have you not tried that yet? Also, have you tried verifying your version of the engine through the Epic Games Launcher? If not, could you try at this time?

Please respond back with your findings of the verification of UE4 and also how UE4Editor.exe responds to being closed.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Same thing is happening to me, mine gets a real bad frame rate drop and when I exit I get the same error screen everytime. I originally posted here with video:

P.S I also have Win 10 since 2 months ago and before yesterday I never had an issue using Unreal Engine. Yesterday morning it started this frame rate drop and crash error on exit

Hey ,

4.8.3 hotfix seems to have fixed this issue, could you please verify this for me? Thanks! :slight_smile:

No crash in the last 2 days, so i think it’s fixed. Thank you for your time