I have recently switched my project from 4.15 to 4.16. After that, every time I try to open mesh editor the engine will crash. Here are the logs:
[2017.06.12-09.03.18:793][297]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1332x636 NumSamples 4 (Frame:1).
[2017.06.12-09.03.24:120][503]MaterialEditorStats: Info Base pass shader: 572 instructions
[2017.06.12-09.03.24:121][503]MaterialEditorStats: Info Vertex shader: 92 instructions
[2017.06.12-09.03.24:121][503]MaterialEditorStats: Info Texture samplers: 6/16
[2017.06.12-09.03.24:121][503]MaterialEditorStats: Info User interpolators: 2/4 Scalars (1/4 Vectors) (TexCoords: 2, Custom: 0)
[2017.06.12-09.03.26:793][662]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.30:960][733]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.31:381][749]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.31:690][759]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.32:198][777]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.32:491][786]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.35:912][914]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.36:565][936]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.37:263][962]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material WorldGridMaterial, compiling. Is special engine material.
[2017.06.12-09.03.42:604][293]LogEditorViewport: Clicking on Actor (LMB): StaticMeshActor (Wall_122)
[2017.06.12-09.03.42:731][296]MaterialEditorStats: Info Base pass shader: 572 instructions
[2017.06.12-09.03.42:732][296]MaterialEditorStats: Info Vertex shader: 92 instructions
[2017.06.12-09.03.42:732][296]MaterialEditorStats: Info Texture samplers: 6/16
[2017.06.12-09.03.42:732][296]MaterialEditorStats: Info User interpolators: 2/4 Scalars (1/4 Vectors) (TexCoords: 2, Custom: 0)
'UE4Editor.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-StaticMeshEditor.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.16+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Materials\MaterialShared.cpp] [Line: 1851]
Couldn't find Shader TBasePassPSFCachedPointIndirectLightingPolicySkylight for Material Resource GridMaterial!
RenderMeshShaderMap 1, RenderThreadShaderMap 1
GameMeshShaderMap 1, GameThreadShaderMap 1, bShaderWasFoundInGameShaderMap 0
With VF=FLocalVertexFactory, Platform=PCD3D_SM5
ShouldCache: Mat=1, VF=1, Shader=0
MaterialUsageDesc: LightingModel=MSM_DefaultLit, BlendMode=BLEND_Opaque, SpecialEngine=0, TwoSided=0, TSNormal=1, Masked=0, Distorted=0, WritesEveryPixel=1, ModifiesMeshPosition=0, Usage={}
I have tried Removing project’s DerivedDataCache and deleting /binaries /Intermidiate /Saved folders and rebuild the project, but editor still crash every single time. I also tried creating a ThirdPersonExample project in 4.15 then switch to 4.16 and it works totally fine. I have no idea what’s so special about my project that make the editor crashs so unswervingly like it’s part of the engine features. Please help.
Thanks in advance.