Hello I’m having a bad time trying to get this working again and maybe I can get some much needed help here. I was on my game just fine nothing was wrong, then saved exit and went to launch again later on and launcher crashed! I sent whole crash report to my dropbox because I did not know exactly what needed to be posted for help, here is the link for
Please help I was really far along (In my eyes) and its like watching a house you built torn apart by mother nature leaving behind nothing but splinters
Things I have tried:
1: Tried system restore
2: Tried deleted what I was working on through files ( made copy first)
3: Made clone then opened copy using 4.7 then relaunching original file in 4.8
4: Adding the reg key provided by UE4 (was for an older version could not even launch any game in editor)
5: Cleaning reg and system
6: Searched all ways I found on Answer hub tried them and nothing worked.
Did the launcher crash or the editor? If it was the editor when you attempted to launch the project, can you post the crash callstack here? What was the most recent addition to your project? Can you open a clean, blank project with no additional content? Can you open this project through the .uproject or does it crash as well?
Hi thanks for reply! I can not launch the editor, launcher opens fine(sorry for misunderstanding) I can open a new and existing projects no problem just this one gave me problems and its the only one I have been working on.
UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!StaticShutdownAfterError() Line 1997 C++
UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance<void __cdecl(void)>::ExecuteIfSafe() Line 921 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!TBaseMulticastDelegate::Broadcast() Line 1031 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::HandleError() Line 141 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() Line 42 C++
[External Code]
Try removing everything out of the contents folder and see if you can open the project. If yes, begin slowly adding content back until it crashes, starting with blueprints.
Thank you for the reply, Ok so I removed contents and it opened up but had no files in there and could not discover any assets. So long story short its my map! So it loads up without map but forever trys to find assets. Is there a way to save it after that or am I stabbing a dead body?
Did you try re-adding the content folder by folder? If so did you find which folder caused the crash? If you can limit it to a specific set of assets it may help to determine what is occurring.
Yes I did and it just kept crashing until I removed just the main level map then it launches but cant find assets.
I think I just need to chalk it up to EXP and restart since I have git source running now I can have it online now and share it with my other pc’s a lot easier. Should of done that to begin with but never thought this would happen in this manner.
Ok, try keeping the map in but remove the blueprints folder. Then, add each blueprint back into the contents folder to see if it crashes. If this is the case, the error can be reduced down to a specific blueprint/series of blueprints.
Ok so I fixed it or at least was able to save every thing but Map. I made new thirdperson game, closed out once launched. Replaced content files but removed main map and vala, nothings missing but level bp which what caused it to crash. I think it was my day/night/year cycles, had a lot of bugs in my math Thanks for all your help.
I’m happy to hear this is no longer occurring for you. I am going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If you experiencing this error again, please comment back with updated reproduction steps.