Crash at game begain. D3D12RHI

The error is below:
LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873]
Interfaces.CopyCommandList->Close() failed
at D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12CommandList.cpp:268
with error E_INVALIDARG

Just happened to our players, I can not review it on my own computer. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Greetings @Online_Learner_1jcia

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. That’s a DirectX 12 error. However, the ‘E_INVALIDARG’ at the end makes me wonder if it’s one from ‘D3D Device being lost’. Is there any more error after that? Perhaps something with an 0x00-etc?

(Also, do you know the system specs of the individuals having this issue or is it a large amount of players?)

Thanks for ur reply.

The error info for my players were the same and there is no more info be shown.

I had at least 3 reports. no more than 10% lol.

I find a way to let my players without this crash info, I tell them to start with -dx11.
It works.

But it is a dump way.

Do you have any ideas? Shall we back to dx11? Or keep checking our code?

One error happened on MSI Notebook with 3060, win10, i7 11800, 40g memory.

It’s kind of situational. I have saw a lot of issues with people running Windows 11 with the DirectX 12 through projects. Those people generally end up having this type of problem and reverting to DirectX 11 fixes it(as you mentioned is the same for your players). Honestly, I’d consider the DirectX 11 route to avoid issues. There will be more support for DirectX 12 and Windows 11 within UE in the future as well. Once this is no longer an issue, you could move back to 12. That’s just an idea that I’d consider if it were me. I hope that’s helpful!

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Thanks for your reply. We are considering returning to dx11 now.

Good deal. If you have any issues after doing so, contact back here and I’ll be happy to look into it. Thank you!

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