Assertion failed: !Geometry->IsDirty(CommandContext.GetGPUIndex()) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RayTracing.cpp] [Line: 4134] Acceleration structures for all geometries must be built before building the top level acceleration structure for the scene.
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! Do you have any plugins currently running with this? If so, try disabling those and seeing if it’s perhaps one of the plugins causing the problem. I’d also try running it in DirectX 11 rather than 12 and see if that helps. I’ll monitor the thread for responses. I hope this helps!
Hi. Did you ever get this working? I have a similar setup - 2 x A6000 GPUs set up with SLI and following Alex Pearce’s video tutorial ( (64) Multi-GPU Tutorial in Unreal Engine! - YouTube) - but all I get is this crash every time I start the pathtracer. Runs fine on just one GPU with Pathtracing. Unreal 5.3.2