I’m crashing UE4.26, after closing the editor, when using the NDI plugin.
I’m having the following message, but I’m not realizing what is this kind of Rendering Thread that it’s talking about.
Anyone had something similar?
Thanks in advance.
Assertion failed: IsInRenderingThread() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderTargetPool.cpp] [Line: 1292] Tried to delete on non-render thread, PooledRT NDIIO (2D 1920x1080 PF_B8G8R8A8 RT)
I’m using the 1.4 version, provided by the official NewTek’s site, at NDI SDK (Software Developer Kit) as “NDI SDK for Unreal Engine”
I took a look on their forum, and even in Github, but didn’t find anything related to a 1.5 version. Could you share with us where this version could be found, please?
The image below is the NDIIOPlugin.uplugin file, showing the 1.4 version.