The editor will crash if you set the promote GetGameState to a variable on contruct in a UMG widget. The widget is added to the viewport via GameInstance so normal UMG level transition crashes shouldnt occur. Tested on a blank project.
1: Make 2 Levels
2: Create a UMG widget whose construct event gets GameState and promotes it to a variable.
3: Set up game instance to have a show hud event that creates the widget.
4: Level blueprint tells game instance to show hud.
5: Load another level using Open “mapName”.
6: Crash.
7: Remove the GetGameState and setting to variable.
8: Doesnt Crash.
Crash report states that the map hasn’t been cleaned by garbage collection.
Removing the widget from parent before loading a level doesn’t affect it either.
I was able to reproduce this using the reproduction steps provided above. However, I did a bit more testing. I found that this has been fixed on a later version of the engine. Thank you for your time and information as pertains to this issue.
Thanks for the reply. I know that this is fixed with 4.7 as I’ve tested, but it seems thats only the case if you enable bUseSeamlessTravel. Is that the case for you or am I doing something wrong?
I set it up in the exact same manner both times. I did not make any changes (other than the version of course) and I set it up exactly as you have shown in the pictures provided.
I am noticing this exact issue when reading from a load game data from disk. If i remove it, it doesn’t crash when I have it and load a level it crashes. It is caused by an error UObject cannot be created during garbage collection.