Crash 4.26 Async Loading recursion not allowed

Hi ChezJau

Can you post the full crash log please. The log files are in the Saved/Logs directory.



I tried to port my project from UE4.25 to U4.26. When I package it then try to launch it, here is what I get :


What is this “recursion” ? Is it trying to open too many threads ? Is it because of a parameter ?

Thanks and Happy new year !

I checked “Async Loading Thread enabled” (even if I don’t understand why it would be needed lol) and it stopped.

Now, it’s crashing some seconds after (I imagine it’s when the main menu level is loaded) on the engine asking for a sound class that I deleted after “replacing” the references to it. It’s not longer called in the Game Instance or referenced in sound cues, mix.

Is there a way to find broken references like this one ? Find references to a non-existing file ?

Many thanks !

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In my case, I was using LoadObject. It was during construction so judging from the documentation it I should have used FObjectFinder instead.

The error seemed to happen when I was trying to load a .uasset file that did not exist using LoadObject<UAkAudioEvent>. Once I used the right path, it worked again. I probably missed the warning in the editor.

Using LoadObject with an invalid path worked in the editor, but crashed when it was packaged. If I would have used ensure it would have been caught in the packaging process.

In my case, I got this error when I was using LoadObject. It was during construction and judging from the documentation it I should have used FObjectFinder instead: Referencing Assets | Unreal Engine Documentation

The error seemed to happen when I was trying to load a .uasset file that did not exist using LoadObject<UAkAudioEvent>. Once I used the right path, it worked again. I probably missed the warning in the editor.

Using LoadObject with an invalid path ran in the editor, but crashed when it was packaged. If I would have used ensure it would have been caught in the packaging process.

Hi! Thanks for your idea. I enabled “Async Loading Thread” as well.

But now I’m getting the error below.

Assertion failed: IsInGameThread() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 1092] Unable to load /Game/LOTE_Files/Audio/LOTE_Master. Objects and Packages can only be loaded from the game thread.

Edit: I fixed the problem. In the project settings, audios were empty. Make sure they are not empty.