I’m working on a UE4 project right now. I’m using UE4 as a renderer. Blender is being used for Modeling, Texturing and partially some simulations (Cloth). I’m looking for C & C (except on the camera track - I know it’s **** and I’m changing it right now). Currently I’m trying to make it look less empty.
An interior scene will be added soon. The whole project will be finished on 25.06.2015 and about 3 min long. There is also a guy working on a soundtrack right now! Hope you enjoy it!
I dunno, the camera track seems good. For some reason the mountains look like billboards to me as you rotate. Also I’m not sure but it feels like the ambient light is very high in the scene, perhaps this is due to the light direction. My first thought of the first few seconds of the scene was that it looked like very flat lighting (like the light is coming directly from the camera) perhaps others can point out exactly why this is.
It may be the lack of haze makes the background and foreground look unnatural against each other.
If you haven’t yet, you should check out the default UE4 atmospheric fog/exponential height fog, they both do a great job depending on what you’re after.