My motherboard is Gigabyte 990FXA UD3 rev.1.0 and I have AMD FX 8320 processor.
I bought them 3 years ago and I did not notice any issue until now.
My offset in BIOS settings for the CPU Core voltage is -0.15 V and it worked perfectly with no heating issues.
Recently it started causing problems:
Now after 2 hours of heavy loading on the CPU the CPU Core voltage is going at default values for this motherboard (1.4125 V) which is pretty hard for my CM Hyper 212 EVO cooler.
When the CPU is loaded it should be no more than ~ 1.28 V. After restart I went in BIOS thinking that my settings were lost but they were not. The offset was still there with -0.15V.
When the OS loaded it was fine for some time and after another heavy loading the issue happened again and CPU went to 70 C degrees.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Why it is not following the settings in BIOS?