Hello everyone!!!
Im starting with UE5 and im creating a new blank game proyect based on C++.
I create my first class, based on Character, put some code in it for input and movement, go to editor, all compiles perfect, create a blueprint based on my class and drag it into the map.
Everything works perfect.
Now… i close unreal editor, open the proyect again, and i dont have acces to my cpp classes, and the blueprint says its parent class does not exist.
I have the exact same issue. Every time I create a character in C++, then create BP based on that character it works only if I don’t close my editor. As soon as the editor opens again, I see that error. I tried with UE5.4 and now with 5.3.2 and still the same issue occurs. I deleted and re downloaded UE Engine for both versions to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have an update, after some researching, I’ve found this post UE 5.4 compile error Catch2 - #12 by Victor.Feliz. In there scroll down and find post with a patch link, download and apply the patch. I closed both editor and VS and then applied the patch. Then I changed the setting, in my case it was in Editor.target.cs and .Target.cs. What I’ve changed was:
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.Latest;
I then built in VS, failed, then rebuilt it and it failed again. So then I found more comments about Catch2 so then I searched for Catch2 and changed from Catch2.Version to “3.4.0”. Then built it and it failed, so then I rebuilt it and it was all good! So then I Ctrl+Alt+F11 and that started live coding console in editor. This succeeded! So then I closed the editor and tried to open the project again to see if my cpp class is still there. As I launched the editor there was a popup message that there was a module missing and do I want to rebuild it. So I did, skip forward few more builds and c++ code and I am here writing this update. Good luck peeps!