CPP Class Not Showing Up In Browser

I have created a CPP class via the editor in UE5 (the same way I did for all my classes AFAIK) but the class is not showing up in the editor right now. I can see my other classes, just not this last one. When I try to create another class with the same name, UE says that the name is already in use.

I’ve tried searching in all the browsers, rebuilding countless times, live recompiling, validating assets in folder and even rebooting my PC. I hope it is just a noob oversight but does anyone know about this?



(CPP_SymbRt is the missing class)

Have you tried to:

  • Close Editor
  • Delete your Intermediate and Binaries folders
  • Generate Visual Studio project files
  • Open Editor
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Hadn’t deleted the Intermediate and Binaries folders. Just tried it. Still no difference unfortunately. Thanks for the reply though.

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What’s the parent class from CPP_SymbRt ?
Does it is declared as UCLASS() ?