COVID Anxiety

This situation is continually worsening. What are you most anxious about and does it stress you out more?

None of it. Just get vaccinated, only .3% of deaths are those who are vaccinated or something like that. I just wear a mask (I’m not vaccinated because I’ve already had it earlier in the year but I might get it in a couple of months)

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You should watch less CNN, MSNBC and other propaganda outlets.


My mother got covid and she almost died.
Get vaccinated!

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I try to avoid this type of discussion, but be careful spreading that kind of info without sources.

You have any stats on that because that’s not what I’m seeing in the data. Turn off CNN, NBC, etc…

Check the VAERS site and keep in mind that Harvard did a study that found that only 1% of adverse reactions are recorded.

The vaccine is an IQ test… I sincerely hope you pass and are completely healthy in 3 years and don’t come down with clotting disorders, myocarditis, etc.

Best of luck.

meh I don’t think that’s gonna happen to many people. its still new and wasn’t tested amazingly, but its not a lethal thing. I have a lung inflammation problem so its probably smarter for me to get it in the future (even though I was okish when I got covid the first and second time)

Can I have that study source? Google not helping here, apparently.

It’s only 7 pages long (actually 5).

Read it and make your own conclusions, since apparently there are a few.

I have read that a large percentage of individuals have increased mental health issues about this situation. Hopefully it doesn’t affect you all as much.

@anonymous_user_cb211179 has posted nothing but encouraging 1-liners for the last 3-4 years! :medal_sports:

No Covid Anxiety will ever bring this one down, for sure.

It’s recommended even for those who had covid to get vaccinated since covid only protects for 3-4 months. Check with your doctor for latest guidelines/

The internet was a mistake


I share most of your thoughts. Social media amplifies this issue even more.

You sure about that? Vid or it did not happen! ;p

The internet was a mistake

Why must off-topic be like this? Why can’t we have nice things?

Meh, maybe normal is overrated. Gonna take my coat and never pop here again. Enough internet after that read.

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You want to solve the problem, it’s easy, just turn your TV off. The “pandemic” exists on TV and was created for political purposes. It doesn’t exist in the real world.

That’s not to say that people don’t get sick, but people have always gotten sick. Sickness isn’t a new thing. The flu sucks. It kills a lot of people each year, mostly elderly and unhealthy folks. The only difference now is that everything is being called Covid, but it’s still just the flu.

Peace and joy, relax and enjoy life.


It didn’t have to be, but it turned out that way it seems.

Sorry, this is not the flu no matter how you try to spin it. Over 600,000 dead in a year is not the flu. Long-term covid is not the flu. It became political only when the former guy called it a hoax.

You are a perfect example of a brainwashed low IQ individual that watches too much CNN, MSNBC and other propaganda garbage. Orange Man never said the virus was a hoax. He called Democrats politicizing coronavirus ‘their new hoax’. Moreover, Orange Man on several occasions before that did refer publicly to the virus as a ‘plague’ and a ‘killer’.

And another surprise for you - the world already had coronavirus outbreak 20 years ago. There was no ‘infrastructure’ for political exploitation of the outbreak, so it went away on its own without lockdowns, mandate vaccinations, masks, etc.