Course: Projectiles and Pickups with Paper 2D

In this course from the Epic Online Learning team, you’ll learn how to create projectile attacks for Enemy AI, a health system to track damage, health pickups, and environmental hazards. Adjust player cameras, improve default lighting, and add complex Tile Maps using the Tile Map Editor.

This course is awesome. I finished with most of the course. I am having an affect after i implanted the KnockBack Custom Function. I took off the function but bow the bug is just there. Any time the player character receives damage the player character leaves the screen. I have locked the y on the capsule component and all children possible. Still have the same bug. I am looking forward to the next course. Working on my own little project and these courses have proved invaluable.

Here is a short clip of the “bug”.

Enjoying the course a lot, however I seem to have found an issue. I am aware that I’m doing this on 5.4.4 and this course was originally done on 4.26, but I have noticed that as soon as I add the collision box for the DetectRange to see whether the player is within range to attack the AI just walks right off the edge. When I remove the box collision component for the DetectRange the AI then works correctly again. I’m curious to know why once I add the DetectRange box it seems to ignore the LedgeCheckVolume.