Course: Introduction to AI with Blueprints

This course introduces Unreal Engine’s AI tools, exploring how AI agents work within a video game environment and the systems used to achieve realistic behaviors.


Hi, thank you very much. The course helps a lot.

I have a question.

In the section Creating The Second EQS Query, at 4:55 of the video, for the Distance test, Distance To is set as EnvQueryContext_Querier. However, I think it should be EQSC_Player because we want the AI_Character goes to a place near Player_Character.

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Still the only comprehensive overview of the AI behavior tree system. No one else goes into this much depth on this system.


For the added instructions on section 15/24.
Looks like they forget to have you go back into the Behavior Tree and select the BTT_FindNAvigableLocation Node and make some changes…

From here in the right side of the screen you can change the first Default option from SelfActor to TargetLocation ( the variable we made).
(Edit>)The Same needs to be done with the Move To Node on the Tree. Changing Self ACtor to Target Location.

this is in 5.1 if anyone is wondering.
Also in 5 and up it seems better to right-click and create a BlueprintTask in the content browser as the way in the video cannot be used quite the same.

Hope it helps.

Further help: 18/24
When looking for the Query system in project settings; you won’t find it in experimental if doing this in some later versions.
Your best bet is to search for the term Query, looking for one that is in an AI System roll down.
to manually navigate there, you would go to Engine>AISystem>AISystem


Thanks for this. You’re exactly right that the tutorial is missing two steps between part 15 and 16. In 5.1 at least if you don’t set these keys correctly in the Details panel of the Behavior Tree, then the AI doesn’t work on runtime.

Otherwise a great tutorial.

Hi Thank you for the course
I learned a lot
just one question What if we want the AI Chase player and when Hunger reaches to 1 stop chasing player and go for nearest food source?
how can I do this?

Hi, I wanted to thank you for this course. It has opened my eyes to all the behaviors that goes into an AI character. I appreciated the way everything was explained, it made it so everything was easy to understand.

In module 21, Using the EQS Testing Pawn, if you want the Step to debug draw option to display similar values as the video at ~ 5:11, uncheck ‘Auto Sort Tests’ in the EQS_HideNearPlayer SimpleGrid generator options drop down. I’m using UE 4.27.2.

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Also, in UE 5.2, in AI_ThirdPersonCharacter BP, in Details/Input, activate Block Input. The character won’t move until it stops expecting input information.