Course: Hour of Code: Unreal Engine - Build Your First 3D Game

The Hour of Code course will guide you through creating your first 3D platform game in Unreal Engine.

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I would like to mention that the link in the 5. lesson doesn’t work properly. It sends you to the files of the 4. lesson.
Best regards,


Hi ,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It should be fixed now!


Does this course fit a beginner? I don’t see it being marked as “For beginners”, that’s why I’am asking.

I am in doubt whether to take this course first rather than this one: Your First Game In Unreal Engine 5.

This is definitely for beginners. It should be marked as such. If not, I will make sure to tag it. I believe this would be a great precursor to the Your First Game in Unreal Engine 5.

That’s great, thank you!

Thanks a lot GatlenShado and Cleverlike for these 5 videos, I have finished them today and I have done everything in unreal engine 5.1 and it is working perfect!

In my unreal editor I did not find the package in File menu, but I have it at the right of the Green play button another that says Platforms → Windows → Package Project

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By far the best explanation of how the HUD works.

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Thanx for pointing this out. Here is an image of where to find it.

I am sorry to say that, but i dont think the documents are in tune with your files anymore. The Level is build differently and the assets in the Level arenot as prescribed. Maybe i have done something wrong, but i dont get the Levels by downloading Unreal Learning Kit.

Had the same issue. I had to load the specific level manually instead of the whole project (the way it usually does).
I am using UE 4.27, so I had to hit the File menu → Open Level and then select the level from the following path: Hour of Code / Maps / Level_HOC_World
Hope it helps


Just in case some needs it:
In Lesson 4 in the video at around minute 27 GatlenShado adds “Cast to ThirdPersonGameMode” to the Event Graph. That element no longer exists in the new file version and it is now named “Cast To BP_HourOfCode_Game”. Otherwise it works the same.

Thanks a lot for this introduction course. It is a pity that videos are only 720p instead of full HD, but other than that, great course so far.

Hello, Is there are any more tutorials like hour of code somewhere ?

When I add a pain causing volume it does not reset the player and I do not know how to add this feature. When I went to the teacher/student guides. It just says that you add the volume and that it should work after that. What am I missing?

I’m starting this tutorial and I’m stuck on the first lesson. The guide implies that when I go into playtest mode, the level will be the version with only one platform and no collision, but every time I try to playtest it takes me to the finalized version of the world.