Course: Getting Started with Twinmotion

This course will give you the basic skills you need to take your first steps with the application. We’ll explain the user interface, show you how to move around your scene, review various methods for importing your data, and demonstrate how to use the industry templates to kickstart your project.


Where are the files to use with Module 3? We would like a link to download them

The file is not available to download unfortunately.

Hi !

I just turn to Twinmotion 2019 to the last one so I’m a little bit lost… I can’t change the localition of my projet. It’s locate in Paris, I write in research case “Papeete” and it don’t move. I try to move the map to Papeete to click, the point move but my model doesn’t change. I change the location in archiCAD but that did’nt change anything. Can you help me ?
Thanks !

Working with 2024.1.1 on Mac. On Module 2: Discovering the Interface, there is no option for “Demo Scene”. Rather, the “Lakehouse Retreat” is located on the “Learning” tab on the Home Panel.