Course: Build a Virtual Rube Goldberg Machine in Unreal Engine

When it comes to Rube Goldberg machines, the wilder and wackier, the better.

The machines are named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg, whose cartoons often depicted comically over-complicated contraptions built to carry out simple tasks through a convoluted series of chain reactions. Perhaps the most well-known example is the board game Mouse Trap.

With the introduction of our new Unreal Learning Kit: Rube Goldberg Machines, students can now build virtual contraptions in Unreal Engine, with the tools developers use to make games like Fortnite.


Amazing course.

Couple of feedback items:

  1. The Student guide says “Orange”, but it seems to be a blue ball
  2. In the exercise 1.2? (Plane and Simple) the bucket seems to be very very far, with plane on the ground. The video shows it up in the air, but all the instructions were kinds of about keeping it on the surface until this point. Maybe worth adding one line about “physics may not apply if you don’t want”.
  3. The “place the emitter” picture has the buckets from the exercise 1.1 (Figure 65) that are hidden by now. The video is correct.
  4. “Explore more” link at the very bottom of Unreal Learning Kit: Rube Goldberg Machines - Unreal Engine goes to an internal server, perhaps (
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Thanx for bringing these to our attention.

  1. This is a typo, thank you. However, if you want to make this an orange, simply select the BP_Actor Spawner in the level and choose “orange” from the “Item to spawn” dropdown.

  2. It is up to the user to decide how to use the inclined planes in the Interface Challenge Plane and Simple. The inclined planes can be placed so they are hovering in the air or placed on the ground. In regards to “physics may not apply if you don’t want”, I’m unsure what mean by this. Could you please elaborate?

  3. Because the exercise “Particle Party” is only about building a particle system, and it is not dependent on any of the previous content, the user can choose to place the Blueprint at any location.

  4. Looking into fixing the link. Here is the proper link. Explore more Lesson Planes.

Thank you for your reply. For the 2nd one, I just meant that it was a hard mental jump right at the start of the course to remember that physics is optional. But the video demonstrates it anyway and the teacher would be there.

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This is an amazing resource, thank you for sharing. I hope we get more Learning Kits like this in the future.

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An updated version of the Lesson 3 Engine Activity Watermelon Chaos video for Unreal Engine 5.4 can be found here. It covers the new workflow for changing the internal material on a geometry collection.

Here what I’ve done, very proud :slightly_smiling_face:
As a student cinematographer, it was my intention to create a short after learning how to use Unreal thanks to this course.

You will say it’s not a RubeGolderg Machine and u’re right, I’ve got some troubles with SQUEAKS, so ask them what did they do to my machine

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This is PRIME! Thank you for putting this together. :smiley: