started this piece as part of the Dinusty discord halloween challenge, but it was more than just that. Courage the cowardly dog was one of the most amazing tv shows I saw as a kid, I myself was very frightened when little and this show kinda helped me manage my fears. (Not to mention the day I broke a collection piece my mom loved, and I overcame my fear of the darkness searching for some glue in the attic to fix it)
This is my homage to courage, for all that scares and laughs it gave me. It has some fun story telling elements related to the show, find them!
As always thanks to the people in dinusty server which are as mentors to me, lots of love to you guys!
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Hi there @NicoTrujillo,
Hope you’re doing well and having a spectacular week so far.
A very wholesome message is being sent with this one. The stylized version of this scene feels cozy and welcoming. There is not a hint of fear or spooky things in the darkness. Incorporating this feeling of courage definitely adds a bit of charm that shows the effort put into the environment creation.
Thanks for sharing your work with us here on the Unreal Engine forums and giving us a bit of a happy nostalgia moment.
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Hey mate, thank you for your super kind words. I wasn’t expecting that!
Have a nice rest of week.
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