Counter of wins

I need to create a widget that displays the player screen is the total number of wins.
The multiplayer game 2-4 players
In GameInstance create arrays Score (here should be written for each player his own expense of victories) and ArrOfPlayerController (it is stored on referens OnPostLogin players)
Something does not work … then the variable count, not for the player, plus a widget does not work on the client

Player Controllers are killed when travelling from a level to another. So if you’re referencing your array of Player Controllers in one level and hope to use it in another without clearing it and setting it again, it won’t work.

If one widget does not work for the client it means you’re probably doing something wrong with your arrays of players (I’m thinking that you’re using them to tell the players to spawn the HUD’s).

Without further informations, it’s quite hard to help you out though.

Could be really anything from simple pin / connexion mistake to a larger system issue.

Is it local or net multiplayer? Are scores supposed to be stored in between two application launches? Are scores pulled from a server or from the client’s machine?

but an array of references is stored in the Game Instance

it does not work at the same level even

The idea to store them properly would be:
On event begin play of your Player Controller: get game instance, cast to your game instance class and store me in the controller array.