Couldn't find file for package /Script/Engine requested by async loading code

Guys I’m pretty sure I just figured this out.

  1. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums In the tutorial under step 5 after you open the project file in Visual Studio, then select “Development Editor”, then right click on your game and click “Build”, it says that you need to select the “Development Server” and build the game again. What you need to do is instead of selecting “Development Server” is select “Shipping Server” and then build it.

  2. You have make sure that you’re packaging the game as “Shipping” not “Development”.

3)Then once you follow the other steps in the tutorial, you’ll get to the point where you copy over the “GameServer.exe” file from your project folder at “ProjectFolder\Binaries\Wind64” into your packaged game at “MyGame\WindowsNoEditor\MyGame\Binaries\Win64” Instead of copying “GameServer.exe” copy “GameServer-Win64-Shipping” instead.

That’s what fixed the issue for me. I believe this could be caused by certain plugins. I’m using advanced sessions and I believe that’s what caused the issue for me. If any further clarification is needed, leave a comment and I’ll try to assist if I can.

I have tried “Shipping” 6 months ago. It didn’t work at that time. I don’t know whether it will work now. Maybe something was changed. Anyway, it’s really absurd that UE4’s staff ignore this problem for so long.

Did you follow all the steps I listed? Just setting the packaging settings to shipping won’t fix it.

Well, I renamed my GamemodeBP while in a PIE session, Crashed out the editor. Now when I package it and run as a dedicated server, It says I cannot find the file specified . Something corrupted the project during the crash, but it’s still building