Could you use UE4 as an online booking system?

Hi All,

Thinking out of the box here.

I know how to use UE4, but no other programming language.

Using a Web based project, could you use UE4 as an online booking software?

This would require:

  1. Customers to access multiple locations in different zones
  2. Each consultant would have different capabilities
  3. They would need to book a room for the appointment
  4. Consultants would need to be allowed to block out out sections of the day
  5. Consultants could have separate location depending on the day
  6. Email reminders would be sent automatically the day before
  7. Admins would be able to access each diary
  8. They would be able to choose which type of appointment they want to attend, such as a face to face or phone appointment
  9. And more

I know this is out not what UE4 is made for, but could it be done?

Thank you for reading


Did you get an answer about this? I’m searching for something similar, just need to book an appointment.


Firstly, you can use software made with UE4 for it, not UE4 itself (you probably can mod the editor a lot to be useful in this way, but this sounds even more ridiculous).
Secondly, even though you can use UE4 for database storage, it’s probably a very bad idea.
Lastly, I don’t see any technical or legal problems, so the answer is yes.

However, you should really get rid of your neophobia and learn how to develop web applications.
If this is too hard for you to bear, hire a developer to whom it’s not.
Otherwise you’ll waste many years of your life, achieving very poor and unsupportable monstrosity at best.